The fundamental benefits and appeal of Hacienda as a master planned project has allowed the development, and its investors, to thrive. By most valuations, Hacienda has proven to be a good investment over time.
Not only has this held true for investors but for the community as well, as Hacienda has provided substantial yearly returns to the city in the form of important tax revenues. In addition, Hacienda has provided both infrastructure and services directly to the city; costs that would normally be born by the community as a commitment from its General Fund.
The data below will provide a summary of this value through data on rental values, assessed valuation of land and improvements, annual tax generation, cumulative tax generation, Hacienda maintenance contributions, and North Pleasanton Improvement District valuation.
Locating in the Tri-Valley can mean companies save a third to more than half of what they would otherwise be paying for rent in Silicon Valley or San Francisco.Tri-Valley Rising 2018 report
2024-2025 Tax Rate: 1.1691% (exclusive of special bonds or assessments)